Wednesday, November 25, 2009

5 Ways To Ensure You Will Have a Happy Life After Divorce

In fact, think about having a life after divorce while getting a divorce can be a sticking point for some people because they just aren't sure what their life will "look like" after divorce.

Here's 5 things to keep in mind so can have a life after divorce:

Life after divorce item 1: Think about your emotional stability...if you wanted the divorce or not, you must face it head on.
Divorce is tough and whether you're going through it or your are already past it, your emotional stability is of vital importance because you might tend to be somewhat touchy after going through an emotional ordeal. Keep in mind that your life after divorce can be great but you must admit that you will go through (or have gone through) a trying time in your life. Admitting this and facing your situation head on is important to your emotional stability and critical to you having a happy life after divorce.

Life after divorce item 2: Look at the bright side, having life after divorce could be a new start for you!
How may times in your life do you wish you could have just started over knowing what you know now? If you answered "many", don't worry, that's a common thought most of us have. Having a positive mental attitude about your new beginning will make a huge difference in how happy your life will be after divorce. Life after divorce can be fantastic and it can also be very tough if you don't remain positive about a what's in front of you. Look at the glass as being "half full" and realize that, in order to be happy after divorce, you must take advantage of the opportunity to get a fresh start!

Life after divorce item 3: Surround yourself with people you like in your free time.
Too often times people start new relationships with just about anyone because they are lonely while getting a divorce or after getting a divorce. Sparking a relationship, romantic or friendly, with anyone and everyone who will spend time with you can contribute to unhappiness in your life after divorce. Stop and think about the people that you spend time with and ask yourself, "Once my emotional turmoil has ended, would I really want to keep the relationship going with this person?". Life after divorce is, when you're deciding about divorce, going through one, or already have been through a divorce, make sure that you carefully choose who to spend your free time with or you may fall into more negativity in your life after divorce.

Life after divorce item 4: Make it a point to spend time doing things that you like to do every week.
Make sure that you spend time enjoying your life after divorce - don't forget to 'stop and smell the roses'. Some people vent, work, go into hiding, or just plain go haywire after getting a divorce and their subsequent life after divorce isn't as healthy as possible. At least once a week, take the time to go and do something that you really enjoy will help you deal with your life after divorce in a more pleasing manner.

Life after divorce item 5: Set specific goals and implement a plan to achieve those goals.
Life after divorce is a tumultuous time, your life can seemingly be 'in the balance'. In order to make sure that you feel good about yourself and enjoy the feeling that accomplishment brings, think about a goal or set of goals that you've always had but never attained. Then, prioritize those goals and devise a plan to obtain them, one by one. Implement each plan and be happy (in fact celebrate) once you've reached your goal. Your life after divorce will be markedly better and healthier if you take this concept to heart and follow it.

Visualizing your life after divorce (and thinking about what your life might be like after divorce) is a sound and logical thing to do in order to be happy after divorce. Your life after divorce does not need to be a continuation of the pain you might have gone through or are currently going through.

Life after divorce can be extremely liberating if you act based on logic plus positive emotions rather than negativity. If divorce is eminent or you've already been through divorce, take the time to actually plan your life after divorce.

Learn where to get authoritative information on how to win child custody court cases.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Unique Baby Gifts

When buying a baby gift, there are so many standard things baby needs. There are many items to choose from that you can purchase for the baby. These gifts can be quite useful and well received. However, if you want your gift to stand out as something truly unique, then you need to do some searching.

One of the best places to go for unique baby gifts is the Internet. There are virtually thousands of websites that cater to babies and have some of the greatest gifts imaginable. You will find toys, clothing, furniture, books, and so on, on the Internet. The list is endless. You can also shop in person at stores near you that specialize in baby and child items. The staff will be able to help you pick out a gift - or many gifts.

If you are buying for a newborn, think ahead, and purchase a gift that can be used when the baby gets a little older. Infants generally do not wear a variety of outfits, so buy a larger size that can be worn at six months or a year. Educational gifts are great too. You will find many wonderful toys that can stimulate a child's senses and developmental skills. Educational videos and DVDs are produced for children as young as six months, and blocks and building sets are recommended for 12 months and up. There are also some very creative gifts for newborns us that include mobiles and music boxes. The choices are endless, and you will have fun searching for the perfect gift for a very special baby.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Baby Shower Hostess Gifts

As many mothers know, a baby shower can take many hours of work to create the perfect party. So, how do you show your appreciation to the hostess? Why not give her a thank you gift? A baby shower hostess gift can make the hostess feel extra special. The hostess gifts do not have to be costly. It's the thought that counts. Show her your appreciation for the time and effort that she has put into the baby shower with some of the following gift ideas.

Jewlery. You could go in with some other people that will be attending the baby shower and buy a nice bracelet or earrings. These are sure to make her feel special.

Cook books. Anyone who enjoys putting together a party probably also loves to cook, so why not find her a unique and fun cook book. Look for something out of the ordinary. Everyone has cook books, but she'd probably enjoy some recipes with a new twist.

Chocolates. Every girl loves chocolates. Splurge a little and look for the chocolates that are in a special box. You might even consider getting her chocolates and a rose.

Wine and cheese. This gift isn't just popular in Italy. It's the perfect gift for anyone who enjoys entertaining guests. Look for a special variety of cheeses that she can serve at her next get together or just for a relaxing evening.

Candles. These would be nice gifts for almost any occasion. With so many scents to choose from, you're sure to find something the hostess will enjoy.

Gift certificates are also another great gift. Find out what her favorite restaurant, spa, or store is and this can be a simple gift that she is sure to love.

If homemade gifts are one of your talents, this could be the perfect gift for your hostess. These are extra special because of their personal touch.

Make her feel special by placing the gift in a basket or using some special wrapping paper. A baby shower hostess gift is a simple and thoughtful gift that she's not soon to forget.

Simply Unique Baby Gifts

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Helpful Questions and Tips on Niche Marketing

My clients and students are surprised and delighted to discover that a refined niche marketing strategy not only attracts significantly more business but also provides richer opportunities for self expression. To help you discern your own market niche, try using "where" and "who" questions like the following:

"Where" Questions

Where do you consistently find kindred spirits?
Where are you most credible?
Where is there the greatest need coupled with the greatest appreciation for your work?
Where do the people who need your work most often have breakdowns that would cause them to hire you?

"Who" Questions

Who is naturally drawn to you and to your work?
To whom are the things that seem obvious to you a revelation?
Who is traveling a path that you have successfully walked yourself?
Whose language do you speak?
Whose concerns can you reliably anticipate and address?
Whom is it easy for you to serve?

Knowing and working from your strengths are essential parts of developing your niche marketing strategy

There are probably several ways in which your strengths can add value in the marketplace. Therefore, developing a niche is a process of exploring several possibilities and gradually refining them.

You might think about developing a market niche as akin to planting a garden. You start by planting lots of seeds rather close together. As these germinate, you keep the strongest sprouts and remove the others. As your garden grows, you will continue to thin and prune until only the strongest and healthiest plants remain. Along the way you give away or compost the seedlings and trimmings; nothing is lost.

As you refine your niche marketing strategy, you'll grow in integrity and confidence. With time, you'll know with certainty which customers are right for you, and you'll attract more of them.

Are You Afraid of Using Niche Marketing Because it May Turn Away Business?

As you refine your market niche, you may experience some anxiety that focusing on your niche will deprive you of needed business. What do you do if someone outside of your niche wants to hire you?

Talk to them. See how well you fit. There is nothing about a focused niche that says you cannot work with a variety of clients. The point of a niche is not to confine you, but to create the healthiest ecosystem for your business. Focusing your market niche is like focusing a great searchlight that can be seen for miles around. Your searchlight may attract people from beyond your niche precisely because you have defined that niche.

While you always have the option of working with anyone who is attracted by your focused niche, do beware of trying to be all things to all people. Not only are you likely to fail at this, but you run an increased risk of coming across as inauthentic and insincere. The cost of not applying a niche marketing strategy is not being recognized for the offer that you are and not having a fulcrum from which to leverage that offer for increased effectiveness, service, and prosperity. The longer you persist in marketing to everyone and anyone who could conceivably hire you, the more certain it is that you will burn out, leaving yourself and your clients or customers dissatisfied. In order to make a compelling declaration of what you are up to, you must be willing to say "no" to those clients, projects, and possibilities that are not well within the scope of your passion and your expertise.

It is important to look to the market to see what your prospective customers and clients want. But look with a keen eye for how the needs and desires of the market match your strengths, talents, and passions. Say "no" to the opportunities that are a poor match, so that your vision and resources can be focused on the projects and relationships that are most likely to succeed.

Read more content marketing tips to attract and keep customers in your B2B company.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Wireless Technologies in Mass Transit for Convenience and Safety

Modern Mass Transit is making it easier for commuters, especially with the latest inter connecting wireless technologies. Many buses, commuter trains, shuttles and even trolley cars now have WiFi wireless computer access so no one is out of touch during the travel time. This is being done now in Baltimore to NY trains and in Sacramento to San Francisco Trains thanks to Amtrak. After all we now have WiFi hotspots at McDonalds, Kinko’s, Book Stores, Starbucks, Airports and hotel lobbies already.

By having these amenities we can get people to stay out of their cars and enjoy the commute and or take a high speed train on their next trip; not to mention save the gasoline which is approaching $3.00 per gallon. Once the system is built the operational costs are relatively low considering the costs of expanding airports which tend to have cyclical trends during boom and bust years and thus hard to manage your ROI, with gates becoming empty and then new gates which need to be built in the up cycle. One only has to follow the sector rotations of the airline industry and take a trip through the California desert and look at Billions of dollars of Airliners sitting hibernated which may never be used again. Between the cutthroat price wars, Bankruptcy tactics and now era of International Terrorism we need to rethink our transportation strategy to include other redundancy methods, which can deliver the speed and comfort that we use to have in Commercial Aviation.

We have only a couple Nationwide Bus Companies that deliver people across the country. We need to insure buses are safe also in the era of International Terrorism and at the same time we need to increase usage and ridership. New interconnected wireless technologies can do both. Since you are already on the Internet you can send video feed back to the command and control for the mass transit system and constantly monitor.

Providing amenities to commuters and safety at the same time will bring riders back and let’s face it no one wants to pay $85.00 each week to fill up their SUV with gasoline. Now is a good time to coax the public back to the mass transit systems we have already set up and improve the economies of scale to make those old embellished proformas used to float the bond measure a reality. Can technology really do all that? Perhaps it can. Think about it.

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