Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Make Money with No Stop Currency Trading

Hedged, No Stop, Forex Grid system trading (“the No Stop system”) is one of the most misunderstood techniques in forex trading. I am going to describe the No Stop system as best I can in the limited space available. There is a series of 7 other articles describing the elements below in greater detail.

There are many hedged systems around and the No Stop system below is one that is being traded profitably.
The No Stop system is an investment technique which creates favourable dollar cost averaging on all transactions entered into. For this reason the technique is too much of a paradigm shift for most conventional traders who like charts, support and resistance and indicators.

It is strictly speaking, it is not a trading technique. It has however become very popular as a trading technique because of the short term gains that can be made.
The No Stop system trades without stops. No stop loss orders are used at all except for when a group of transactions have a positive result and we want to liquidate the entire group of transactions at a net gain. Because the No Stop system cashes in its transactions regularly it becomes a trend following No Stop system too. There is no need for charts when using this No Stop system as we use predetermined price levels to cash in transactions positively (The No Stop system loves price spikes).

Transactions can or should be slow at a rate of about 3 to 4 a week. As price levels are determined well in advance orders can be placed well in advance so the No Stop system takes very little supervision. The technique is highly systematic and can easy be converted into an automatic trading system or expert advisor very easily.

The No Stop system is always in a sell and a buy at the same time and therefore can cash in on any move the market makes. Being in a sell and a buy at the same time also created a hedge. Predetermined cash in levels create a grid of price levels there positive transactions will be cashed in continuously until the group of transactions are profitable.

In simple terms you will enter the market at a particular level with an active bay and a sell. You would have predetermined levels at which you would cash in positive transactions. For instance one could decide to cash in on every 100pip (grid gap) move made in the market. When the price moves 100 pips you would cash in your positive transaction and then enter into another buy and sell transaction at that point. This process will continue until the total for the group of transaction is positive and then you would liquidate. You would then start again – as simple as that. No need for charts. Patience is the biggest virtue required.

Money is made when the price revisits some of the cash in levels over and over and over again (which it does).

In the above example should the price return to the starting level (after moving 100 pips) the group of 4 transactions in total will be positive and you would then cash in the unwanted transactions, bank your profits and start again.

The big danger of this No Stop system is strong trends with no or very few retracements. You will lose money in trends. There are however specific techniques to manage and contain these losses.

The biggest one is to start with a big grid gap. What is a trend on a 5 minute chart could be a small spike on a daily or weekly chart. Grid gaps of between 150 pips and 300 pips have been found to work well.

One could also vary the grid sizes relative to the trend to reduce the number of unhedged transaction. For example have grid gaps of 100, 200, 300 etc.

The other way is to vary the number of lots used when entering into the buy and sell transactions at a particular cash in point to ensure balanced hedging.

Trends tend to scare people away from this technique but if one views this as an investment technique and not a trading technique the trends could have a reduced impact on the annual return on investment. The market only trends 20% of the time any way. Talking about return on investment some current trading groups are showing returns of between 200% p.a. and 1000% p.a. on current investment levels. There are many trading records are available to back this up. The longer you trade this No Stop system the lower your risk and the better your return. That said, you can lose more than just your boots (your whole trading account) if you treat this No Stop system with disrespect.

Success factors for this No Stop system are: - Selecting appropriate grid sizes, currency pairs, lot sizes, cash in times and an investment mentality. All very easy, if you have done it for a few years.

This No Stop system is not for everybody however, and is not the best Forex system since sliced bread, but is does very nicely for some traders, thank you very much. It is important to know about this system as using its principles could help your conventional trading. For freely available information on this No Stop system search the net for “no stop forex trading”

Check out our Stock Trading System

Monday, February 22, 2010

Why Females Like Silver Jewelry

Right from the medieval era, silver jewelry has always been close to any women's heart. The beauty of the low cost precious metal has been preserved till date mainly because silver jewelry has been one of the most versatile jewelry of all times. It will jell well with any of your latest designer dresses in your wardrobe and also give you a priceless look of elegance that no other precious metals barring platinum could match.

Want to know why? I will enlist the best reasons for silver being a hot favorite but first you should try this. Say that magical word 'jewelry' to your woman, and you will find a rarely seen gleam of radiance in her eyes with her expression all lit-up. Not to worry, you can quench her thirst for jewelry with well crafted silver wear that would do you a favor and not blow a hole in your pocket. With her shoulder straight and spine aligned, she would enter the silver jewelry store as a princess would. While she is watching the silver metal glitter in the front glass, you must watch for the amazing feeling of excitement within her. You have made her feel beautiful and special and there is nothing more a women's heart can crave for.

Right from the medieval era, silver jewelry has always been close to any women's heart. The beauty of the low cost precious metal has been preserved till date mainly because silver jewelry has been one of the most versatile jewelry of all times. It will jell well with any of your latest designer dresses in your wardrobe and also give you a priceless look of elegance that no other precious metals barring platinum could match. It is not only an attractive fashion jewelry for casual wear, but also fine jewelry, the kind that you would wear to impress your colleagues as well as your beau.

You could need elegance in good measure if you are dining in a posh restaurant or on other occasions where style and substance would matter a lot and make great first impressions and wearing an intricately crafted silver set is the best way to show your exclusive taste. Silver can enhance anyone's looks, no matter what their complexion is and looks especially good on darker complexioned people. Hairstyles also play a role in the popularity of silver jewelry. Short hair and pony tails will allow your newly acquired silver jewelry to get noticed. Silver studs give women a corporate look, while dangle hoops give them an exquisite look. Silver jewelry comes in a variety of designs nowadays ranging from earrings and nose studs to belly studs and superb rings. If a gemstone can fit into your budget, the gemstone and silver combination makes any women look extraordinarily beautiful and make her feel exclusive as well.

What with the recession hanging over us, buying silver jewelry makes more sense now than ever before. Couple this with the sheer variety available and you have got a winner on your hands. When you decide to buy, be sure to get hallmarked 925 silver which is 95 percent silver and the rest composed of high quality copper. Without the hallmark there is no guarantee of the purity of silver and what metals are combined to harden the amalgam. Of course 99.9 percent silver is the purest there is but it is usually used for bullion value and is not strong enough to be crafted into delicate designs. So the next time you are investing in silver jewelry make sure it has the 925 hallmark stamp on it or you will find it getting rusted over time. Pure silver on the other hand will never rust but may become discolored over time and usage due to the presence of sulphides in the air but this can be rectified by properly maintaining them and polishing them regularly with a fluoride based solution.

About the Author: Billy Horner, is a professional writer for silver jewelry products. Permission to reprint this article is granted if the article is reproduced in its entirety, without modification, including all information. Please include a hyperlink to: wholesale silver jewelry store and wholesale silver earrings when using this article in newsletters or online.

I found beautiful Sterling Silver Jewelry at this fun website!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Factors to consider when buying hearing aids

There are a number of factors to consider when buying hearing aids. Below is a list of seven factors to consider:

Severity of hearing loss

This is one of the most important factors to consider is the nature and severity of your hearing loss. Your hearing professional can help you understand your unique loss characteristics, and explain the models that would best suit your needs. This may involve undertaking a number of hearing test to determine the extent of the hearing loss and most suitable product.


It is important to think about you lifestyle and when the hearing aid is to be worn. What are the things you do that are most affected by hearing loss? Does you hearing prevent you from undertaking certain tasks or activities? Does you loss of hearing effect your job? Discuss your needs with the hearing expert who can recommend products which suit your lifestyle

The quality of the sound is perhaps the most important consideration. With advancements of digital hearing aids the quality of the sound can often be fined tuned to suit your needs. Again the hearing expert will be able to help you assess the level of sophistication you need based on a range of issues.


Hearing aids are now often very small and discreet. However, if your eyesight or dexterity is less than what they used to be, size may indeed matter. As a vey small hearing aid may be to fiddly to control. Alternatively, some new instruments adjust automatically or via remote control.


Hearing aids now come in a variety of sizes, from tiny, completely-in-the-canal models to those that sit behind the ear. Many people are overly concerned about appearance, and it’s wise to remember that others will be far less aware of your aid than you. Most hearing aids are quite discreet. Consider the functionality and improvement in hearing, rather than just appearance.

The ear

The size and shape of your outer ear and ear canal may also influence your selection of a hearing aid. For example, if your canal is extremely narrow, in-the-canal aids may not work for you. Your hearing professional will help determine which hearing aid options are appropriate for you.

One ear or two ears?

Two ears are better than one, since binaural, or two-ear hearing, is what helps us determine where sounds are coming from, and to distinguish between competing sounds more easily. If you have a hearing loss in only one ear, you may be fine with one hearing aid. Age- and noise-related hearing loss tend to affect both ears, but your hearing profile for each ear is probably different. If there is a loss in both ears, then you will benefit more with a binaural approach. In addition, some of the benefits of digital technology require two hearing aids.

Today, about two-thirds of new purchasers opt for dual hearing aids, and as a group, they report a higher level of satisfaction than purchasers of a single aid. Discuss the pros and cons with your hearing professional.

Hearing Aid Styles

How To Clean Hearing Aids

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Effects of Alcohol Consumption

Short-term effects

Even at low concentrations, alcohol can stimulate areas of the brain. The areas that get stimulated include the cortex, hippocamus and nucleus accumbens. These are responsible for the processes of thinking and pleasure seeking. Alcohol is rapidly absorbed by the stomach, especially if it is empty, and quickly enters the individual’s blood stream, thus penetrating all the tissues. A variety of factors influence its effects, including age, sex , size and weight of the person consuming alcohol.

Since it stimulates the pleasure seeking areas of the brain, alcohol tends to make people shed their inhibitions in social situations. They tend to be more enthusiastic in their speech and movements. Other effects of moderate consumption are body relaxation, dizziness and talkativeness. When taken in slightly larger quantities, slurred speech, nausea, vomiting and interrupted sleep can occur. Individuals may begin to display aggressive behavior, commit domestic violence and indulge in child abuse. A person who may have consumed even low quantities of alcohol, should be prevented from driving, as it significantly impairs the coordination and judgment required to drive a car.

A hangover is another effect of moderate to large quantities of alcohol intake. Headache, nausea, thirst, fatigue and dizziness are felt by an individual who is suffering from a hangover.

Long-term effects

Heavy intake of alcohol, over a long period of time, can lead to alcohol addiction, also known as alcoholism. If an alcoholic suddenly stops consuming alcohol, severe withdrawal symptoms such as intense anxiety, tremors, hallucinations and convulsions will occur. Alcoholics tend to ignore their nutrition. Alcoholism, coupled with inferior nutrition, can lead to very severe or even permanent damage to vital organs of the body including the brain and liver. Women who consume alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to babies with fetal alcohol syndrome. They may be mentally retarded and/or suffer from physical abnormalities that are irreversible. Moreover, genetic factors are known to raise an individual’s risk of becoming an alcoholic []. Hence, the children of mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy are more likely to become alcoholics later on in life.

Other long term effects include inflammation of the pancreas, coronary heart disease, damage to the nerves, or neuropathy, brain degeneration, increased risk of a variety of cancers, liver cirrhosis and of course, damage to one’s personal and professional life.

Logan writes about various topics. This article is free to re-print as long as nothing is changed, the bio remains, all hyper links remain intacked and the rel="nofollow" tag isnt added to any links. Thank-You Please visit: [] for more information.

Living with an alcoholic is a very fragile existence, the relationship always undermined by a breach of trust or a potential breach of trust. Find out at on how to deal with it.